Downtown Kingsport Association Records
KC Manuscript Collection 287
Archives of the City of Kingsport
Kingsport, Tennessee
The Downtown Kingsport Association Records contain information related to the administration of the Downtown Kingsport Association. Most of the information deals with programs and events sponsored by the Association, including the annual FunFest celebration, the lighting of the Christmas tree, and various lunchtime programs held in Glen Bruce Park. There are also numerous reports on downtown beautification projects, studies conducted on parking, and minutes for the Kingsport Central Improvement Corporation. In addition, there is correspondence related to downtown events, information regarding historic zoning, and area transportation studies. There are also many files concerning the national Main Street program and budgetary records for downtown improvements.
There are no restrictions on use of this collection for research purposes. The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.
This collection should be cited as:
Downtown Kingsport Association Records, 1969-1993. KC Manuscript Collection 287, Archives of the City of Kingsport, Tennessee.
Dan Dillon, executive director of the Downtown Kingsport Association donated this collection in 1999.
Karen V. Ankabrandt, Archives Intern, developed the finding aid in January 2008. Brianne Johnson revised the finding aid in May 2008.
Committees/Events/Communications, 1985-91
1. Annexation, clippings, 1986
2. Board of Mayor & Aldermen, clippings, 1986
3. Chamber of Commerce, clippings, 1986
4. City Developments, clippings, 1986
5. “Arts Means Business” Tour, etc., clippings, October 1986
6. City Elections, 3/6/86, 1 clipping, 8/6/86
7. City Officials, clippings, October 1986
8. Civic Center, clippings, 1986
9. Downtown/ Miscellaneous, clippings, 1986
10. Downtown Kingsport Association, clippings, 1986
11. Editorials/ Opinions, clippings, 1986
12. Events, clippings, 1986
13. FunFest, clippings, 1986
14. Homecoming, clippings, 1986
15. Justice Center, clippings, 1986
16. Kingsport Centre, clippings, 1986
17. Kingsport, Related, General Area, clippings, 1986
18. Main Street Renovation, clippings, 1986
19. Miscellaneous clippings, 1986
20. New Businesses, clippings, 1986
21. Parking, clippings, 1986
22. People, clippings, 1986
23. Promotions, clippings, 1986
24. Rascals Teen Center, clippings, 1986
25. DT Parking & Traffic, Sidewalks, clippings, 2&3/86
26. Budget & Finance, Bill Dudney, Gary Keys, financial records, statements, etc. 1985-91
27. DKA Executive Board, agendas and minutes, 1987-88
28. Christmas Tree Lighting, notes, programs, correspondence, negatives, 1980, 1983-89
29. FunFest 1987/ Mardi Gras, clippings, programs, notes, 1987
30. Mardi Gras 1987/ FunFest, clippings, ads, notes, 1987
31. Commitments for Christmas Decoration, statements, agreement forms, notes, 1987
32. Homestead Hotel, clippings, maps, notes, correspondence, 1987-91, mainly from 1991
33. Christmas, mostly clippings, 1987
34. “Keep Kingsport Beautiful Week,” ads, correspondence, notes, etc., April 1986
35. Leadership Kingsport, notes, programs, 1987
36. Design Committee/ Services, notes, large drawing, etc. 1985-87
37. Kingsport Citizens Advisory Committee, info on All-America cities, memos, 1987
38. TN-Texas Roundup, ads, notes, etc. 1986
39. Events, programs, schedules of events, notes, 1986-87
40. Correspondence Received, 1986-88, mostly letters, 1986-90
41. Resumes/ Development Manager, candidate resumes and letters, 1988
42. TN-Texas, memos, agenda, minutes, etc., 1987
43. Community Service workers, contracts/ evaluations of sentenced workers, 1987
44. Shopkeepers, Judy Bandy, info sent to downtown shopkeepers, 1 sketch, 1987
45. Brown Ayres/ Quality Inn, correspondence, xeroxed clippings, brochures, 1987
46. Block Meetings, schedules, notes, 1987
47. Cate Hamilton, Main Street Program, info, some notes on program, 1986-88
48. FunFest Mardi Gras, flyers, schedules, other info, 1988
49. FunFest, 1987-88
50. Geraniums, mostly order forms and records, 1987-88
51. Live in the Gazebo Concerts, clippings, flyers, etc., 1988
52. Mardi Gras, notes, Mardi Gras guide from New Orleans, etc., 1988
53. Civic Center, clippings, 1987-88
54. Halloween 1988, window, costumes, pumpkin contest, and Rhythm and Blues jeans contest, FAC 20th Anniversary, information, notes, 1988
55. Halloween contest information and forms, 1989
56. Membership Dues Forms, address lists, checks, membership card and letters, 1987-88
57. Main Street Program Results Report, 1 report, 11/9/88
58. Parking, reports, memo, etc., 1988
Fun Fridays, Oktoberfest, Mardi Gras, and Other Events, 1981-93
1. Parking, reports, correspondence, clippings, etc. 1988-89
2. Parking, reports, correspondence, clippings, etc. 1988-89
3. Parking, reports, correspondence, clippings, etc. 1988-89
4. Services, Carl Bacon, chair, list of activities, budget, info on various projects, 1988
5. Development, Mack McCall, chair, notes, clippings, info, proposal, 1988
6. Civic Center, clippings, reports, correspondence, 1988
7. Christmas, receipts, etc., 1988
8. Dues Paid, lists with financial records, 1988
9. Dobyns-Bennett Homecoming, 10/6/89, notes, correspondence, 1988
10. Fun Fridays, notes, schedules, clippings, 1992-93
11. Fun Fridays, more notes, schedules, clippings, etc., 1992
12. Concerts, notes, clippings, logos, flyers, 1989
13. Mardi Gras, order forms, lists, colored logos, 1992
14. Fun Fridays, clippings, agendas, statements, 1990-92
15. Lunchtime Concerts schedules, correspondence, clippings, etc., 1981-84
16. Downtown Hoedown, clippings, schedule of events, correspondence, charts, 1984
17. Mardi Gras, agendas, notes, clippings, etc., 1992-93
18. Mardi Gras, mostly notes, folder for Appalachian Puppet Theatre, 1989-91
19. FunFest Mardi Gras, schedules, plans, lists, notes, 1988-90
20. Mardi Gras, notes, clippings, multiple choices of schedules, 1 photograph, 1987-88
21. FunFest, clippings, notes, 1988-89
22. FunFest, clippings, notes, 1988-89
23. FunFest, meeting reports, clippings, etc., 1989
24. Farmer-to-Consumer Direct Marketing, 1979-80
25. Tours, Downtown, info on Kingsport mural and kindergarten field trip to downtown, not dated, but possibly from 1989
26. Conference table and chairs, wood sample, financial statements, blueprints, upholstery samples, not dated, but possibly from 1989
27. Façade Improvement Program, correspondence, info, 1988-89
28. Committees, 2 catalogues, 1 brochure, 1990
29. Gift Certificate, sample gift certificates, 1990
30. Kingsport’s 75th, committee info, Christmas 1991 publication, child’s letter, 1991-92
31. Quality of Life Committee Report, correspondence, notes, list, 1984
32. Dues Structure, financial records, etc., 1986
33. Citizens Union Bank, business cards, brochure, clipping, 7/89
34. Sign, G-B Park, 1 very old clipping, park dedication program 1968, drawings, plans, 1988
35. News Releases/ PSA’s, announcements, 1987-88
36. Steve Clark Tree Seminar, notes, agendas, Steve Clark info, 1991
37. Preservation Week, announcements, forms, articles from National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1991
38. Development Reports, City of Kingsport Building Permits, financial info, memos, agendas, 1987-90
39. Kingsport Archive, member lists, minutes, correspondence, notes, 1989-90
40. Kingsport Archives of History, more info on Archive, 1991
Events, Committees, Development, 1981-90
1. Office Paper Recycling, DKA, Mead, 1st TN, Waste Management, clippings, notes, correspondence, 1990
2. Brown/ Ayres Market Data, financial projections, correspondence, 1984-85
3. DKA Commercial, script for commercial, notes, 1988
4. Visual Merchandising, 10/19/89, reservation list, multiple copies of flyers for event, 1989
5. Swann and Swann, 1990 Trolley Promotion “A Kick in the Seat of the Pants,” notes, form
6. Old Boards (guides to various boards and commissions), missing
7. Quarterly Reports, Board of Mayor & Aldermen, reports, notes, etc., 1989
8. John Dudney Fund Invoices, financial forms and records, 1987-88
9. City Employee Appreciation Luncheon, 11/17/89, notes, correspondence, flyers, 1989
10. “Concerts in the Park,” schedules, notes, forms, 1989
11. DKA Mission Statement, 2 versions, 2/22/89 and 4/15/87
12. Dinner Dance, 1988
13. Downtown Phrase Letters, correspondence, 1982-83
14. Businesses, new in downtown, and Relocation, notes, 1989
15. Certificates, notes, 1988
16. Christmas 1989, Tree Donations, notes, 1989
17. Christmas 1988 “Tree Lighting Celebration,” schedule, 1988
18. Christmas 1988 “Twelve Days of Christmas,” flyers and calendar, 1988
19. Church Mailing List, lists, undated
20. City Employee Lunch, flyers, 1990
21. Building Permits, Additions, Alterations, and Repairs, records, 1989
22. Blood Drive, 1988
23. Bench Dedication, Glen Bruce Park, 8/31/90, notes, correspondence, etc.
24. Annual Meeting, 11/29/88, invitations, notes, etc., 1988
25. First Annual Arts Bash for Children, budgets, press release, 1989
26. Downtown Pictures, clippings, 1989-90
27. Promotion Committee, statements of goals, 1985-86
28. Façade Improvement Program, member lists, 1989-90
29. Dues Correspondence, letters, 1989-90
30. Miscellaneous Information, Decoration, notes, references to Christmas Decorating, 1987
31. Committee Assignments, lists, plans, 1989
32. Correspondence File, Coming In, reports, memos, 1987-88
33. Forms, Records, and T-shirt sales, 1987
34. Dues and Membership List, forms, lists, letters, 1984
35. Committee Lists, names and numbers, lists, notes, 1983-84
36. Pumpkin Club, flyers, etc. 1988
37. Restaurant Marketing Information, mostly reports, 1989
38. Retail Steering Committee, 1989
39. Rental Information, cocktail parties, etc., pamphlets, 3/6/89
40. “Survivors,” membership lists, etc., 1988-89
41. TN Main Street Program Annual Statewide Seminar, schedule, 1990
42. Volunteer Kingsport, forms, notes, 1989
43. Budget, mostly financial records, 1981-82
44. Mead Program (correspondence, etc.), 1991
45. Organization Committee Meetings, lists, notes, etc., 1986
46. City Appreciation, GBP, 6/19/87, notes, flyers re: birthday party for those over 70, 1987
47. Comments and Suggestions for Arts and Crafts Show, 1987, correspondence, 1986
48. KCAC, minutes, reports, correspondence, etc., 1987-88
49. Downtown Development, clippings, 1987-88
50. Keep Kingsport Beautiful Month/ Downtown Cleanup Day, 4/28/89, schedules, correspondence, clippings, 1989
51. Membership Dues Forms, completed forms, 1989
52. Parking, records, 1989-90
53. FunFest, general, forms, 1989
54. Blockheads, correspondence, notes, lists, 1983
55. Economic Restructuring Committee Members, lists, packet re: Kingsport Centre, undated
56. Annual Meeting, notes, sample certificates, etc., 1986
57. Festisaurus, patterns, etc., 1989-90
58. Pig Roast JFF/ Mead Cabin, 1/14/89 (notes, 1989)
59. Master Plan, 1989, correspondence, notes, etc., 1990-91
60. Parking, 1989, information, records, letter, 1988-89
61. Grimestopper Information/ “Gertrude,” 1989
62. Welcome New Member Letter, letters, 1990
63. New Member Lists, 1989
64. Geraniums Project, 1990
65. FunFest Mardi Gras, plans, schedules, logo, etc., 1989
66. Membership Information, Prospective Members, 1989
67. Spring is in Fashion, mostly notes, 1988
Events, Communications, Committees, 1972-86
1. Lucky Mom Logo, many copies of logo, 1982
2. New Businesses, clippings, 1982-83
3. City Newspaper Articles, clippings, 1983-86, 1 Photograph in envelope, undated
4. Ads and Promotions, mostly clippings, 1982-83
5. Christmas in Downtown Kingsport, ideas, clippings, 1978, 1981-82
6. Area News, 1 clipping, undated
7. All About Downtown Businesses, clippings, 1981-83
8. Board of Mayor & Aldermen KCAC, Planning Comm., clippings, 1981-83
9. Broad Street, clippings, 1982
10. Christmas, clippings, 2 photographs, 1982
11. Church Circle, clippings, 1981-82
12. Halloween Promotion, notes, schedules, correspondence, 1984
13. Letters and Memos, mostly correspondence, 1984
14. Mash Bash, salute to Red Cross, notes, photographs, etc., 1984
15. New Business Promotions, flyers, 1982
16. Parking Committee, notes, clippings, correspondence, etc., 1984
17. Retailers of Downtown Kingsport, notes, clippings, agenda, 1984
18. Run Application Mailing List for 10M, 5K, application, address lists, 1982
19. Small Business Council Award, correspondence, etc., 1983-84
20. Spring Fling, notes, receipts, clippings, etc., 1983-84
21. Spring Fling, forms, notes, etc., 1981, 1983
22. Upper East TN Tourism Council, brochure and suggestion list, undated
23. Taxes, filing for, by-laws, tax forms, correspondence, 1972-77
24. Christmas Decorations, Broad Street/ Location of Switch Boxes, map, undated
25. Book, Best Ideas from Downtown Idea Exchange, 1974
26. By-Laws, Reports, etc., 1977
27. Ridgefields CC Spring Luncheon/ Fashion Show, Fashion Forecast, 3/12/85, mostly correspondence, 1985
28. Spring Fashion Fair, clippings, flyers, memos, notes, 1982
29. AATT Fashion Show RCC, 2/21/85, notes, correspondence, etc., 1985
30. Sidewalk Sale, 7/26/85, mostly notes, 1985
31. Gazebo Party, 9/6/85, clippings, flyers, notes, etc., 1985
32. Klondike Derby, correspondence, announcement flyers, 1984
33. DKA Membership Picnic, 6/26/85, map, notes, agenda, lists, 1985
34. Letters and Memos, mostly correspondence, 1985
35. Letters and Memos, mostly correspondence, 1985
36. Membership List, 12/20/85, many copies of lists, 1985
37. DKA Open House, 4/18/85, invitations, reservations, 1985
38. Petty Cash, financial information, receipts, records, 1985
39. A/B Proposal/ Safety Building, reports, 1984-85
40. PSA’s and News Releases, announcements, 1985
41. By-Laws, 12/18/85
42. Chamber of Commerce, 12/16/85, pamphlets, correspondence, 1985-86
43. Christmas Promotions, letters, notes, 1985-86
44. City of Kingsport, Correspondence, mostly letters, 1984-86
45. Dues Paid, financial records, 1985
46. Executive Board Meeting Minutes, 1985
47. Justice Center, clippings, 1985-86
48. Kingsport-related articles, clippings, Baysmont information, 1984-86
49. Liquor-by-the-Drink Newspaper Articles, clippings, 1985
50. Miscellaneous, clippings, 1985
51. People, clippings, 1985-86
52. Justice Center, Newspaper Articles, clippings, 1984-85
53. Liquor-by-the-Drink Newspaper Articles, clippings, 1984
54. City Development, clippings, 1985
55. Businesses, New, in downtown and around city, clippings, 1985-86
56. Chamber of Commerce, clippings, 1985-86
57. City Development, Newspaper Articles, clippings, 1982-84
58. City Elections, clippings, 1985
59. City Officials, clippings, 1984-86
60. Civic Center, clippings, 1985
61. Downtown Kingsport Articles, Main Street Program, clippings, 1984-85
62. Downtown Newspaper Articles, clippings, 1983-86
Old Studies, Events, Communications, and Committees, 1969-1993
1. Miscellaneous Main Street brochures and related information, 1982, 1985, 1993
2. Kingsport Central Improvement Corporation, Board of Directors Meetings, minutes, 1980
3. Kingsport Central Improvement Corporation, Board of Directors Meetings, minutes, 1981
4. Statement of Support, Revenue and Expenses, January-June 1989
5. Statement of Support, Revenue and Expenses, July-December 1989
6. DKA Quarterly Reports, 6 March- 12 July 1989
7. Quarterly Reports, 1988
8. Quarterly Reports, 1987
9. Board of Directors Meetings, mostly minutes, 1986
10. Board of Directors Meetings, 1987
11. Committee Report, Public Safety Building/ Justice Center, 7 August 1984
12. Set of articles regarding Main Street, business, 1992-93
13. Board of Directors Planning Meeting, agendas, 1989
14. Board of Directors Meeting, agendas, 1989
15. Editorials, Opinions, clippings, 1985-86
16. Events, clippings, 1985
17. FunFest, clippings, 1985
18. FunFest, Downtown Parade and Hoedown, clippings, schedule of events, notes, etc., 1985
19. FunFest Schedule, 1985
20. Central Business District Concept Plan, September 1969
21. Kingsport Urban Transportation Study, 1969
22. Functional Program, Revitalizing Downtown Kingsport, March 1977
23. Downtown Kingsport Phase Development, March 1978
24. Downtown Improvement Program Concept Plan, undated
25. Urban Mass Transportation Industry Uniform System of Accounts and Records and Reporting System, Volume II, January 1977
26. Downtown Kingsport Facades Renovation Guidelines, January 1977
27. Downtown Development Potentials and Opportunities, c. 1977
28. Census of Population and Housing, 1980, and User’s Guide, 1983
29. Graduate School Planning Project, December 1989
30. Main Street, Greenville TN Design Handbook, undated
31. Downtown Kingsport Association calendar, 1986
Kingsport Urban Transportation Studies, 1968-69
1. Kingsport Urban Area Transportation Study, Volume 1, April 1969
2. Kingsport Urban Area Transportation Study, Volume 2, December 1968
3. Kingsport Urban Area Transportation Study, Volume 3, February 1969
Studies, Parking, Urban Development, Preservation, etc., 1978-1990
1. Leadership Kingsport, Downtown Revitalization, April 1986
2. National Main Street Center, Resource Team Report for Kingsport, May 1985
3. Central Business District Traffic and Parking Study, February 1989
4. Recommended Parking Program for 1983, February 1979
5. Historic Zoning Workshop Packet, 1983
6. Speech by Dr. Bill Wood, May 1984
7. DKA Material, September 1985
8. Population and Economy Report, June 1986
9. Descriptive Booklet on the Leonard Retail and Professional Building, undated
10. Kingsport Economic Report, 1984
11. Main Street, Historic Preservation Publication, 1983
12. FunFest, 1985
13. Kingsport Urban Area Transportation Study, Comprehensive Plan Summary, 2000
14. City of Kingsport and Sullivan County Justice Center, Schematic Drawings, April 1978
15. Committee Report, Public Safety/ Justice Building, November 1984
16. “How to Bring More People Downtown for Christmas Shopping and Fun,” Downtown Kingsport Reporter, December 1983
17. PACE, Piedmont Airlines Magazine, featuring a report on the Tri-Cities, February 1986
18. Kingsport CBD Revitalization Strategy, undated
19. Downtown Improvement Districts, undated
20. Board of Directors, records, minutes, agendas, 1981-82
21. Board of Directors, records, minutes, agendas, 1983-85
22. Central Business District Traffic and Parking Study, February 1989
23. Main Street Program, application and records, 1984
24. Main Street National Town Meeting Program Booklet, Winston-Salem, NC, 4-6 September 1986
25. National Town Meeting on Main Street Program Booklet, Austin, TX, 27 February- 1 March 1989
26. Master Plan Studies Government Center, 21 April 1981
27. DKA Overview of Downtown Kingsport, August 1989
28. Set of notes labeled 1989 project and 1990 project
29. Recommended Parking Program, 1983
30. Downtown Idea Exchange, 1984-85
31. Report, untitled and consisting of only pages 24-80, undated
32. Main Street, Greenville, 1983
33. Justice Center, Suggested Capital Expenditure Budget, 6 April 1978
34. Annual Financial Report, 30 June 1984