Hi-Y Club
Members of the 1947 Hi-Y Club.
Row 1: John Puckett, Tom Nave, Tommy Trent, Tom McConnell, Flem Pecktal, Carl Moore, Marvin Goodman
Row 2: Bill Patterson, Cecile Maddox, J.W. Salley, Buddy Bullis, Buck Anderson, Harold Greenwell, Robert Chambers
Row 3: W.H. Yancey (sponsor) Sam Benedict, Joe Nidermaier, Paul King, Charles Howard, Tom Howard, Kyle Shipley
Row 4: Ronald Pruitt, D.W. Salley, Darrell Crawford, Joe Haltom, Jack Patterson
Photographer: Thomas McNeer, Jr.
Date Taken: 1946
Collection(s): Thomas McNeer, Jr. Collection, 1945-1988
ID#: 1904-46
Rights: Use of this image is governed by U.S. and international copyright laws. Image is property of the Archives of the City of Kingsport. High-resolution versions are available from the Archives in most instances.