William Highsmith Collection
1934-1938 and undated
KC Manuscript Collection 176
Archives of the City of Kingsport
Kingsport, Tennessee
The William Highsmith collection consists of a letter along with twenty-four black and white photographs, eleven individual negatives, and 8 segments of negatives depicting Kingsport, Tennessee during the mid to late 1930s. Images show various scenes in Kingsport including Holston Valley Community Hospital, Rotherwood, the intersection of Broad and Center streets following a large snowfall, high school parades, a view of downtown taken from Cement Hill, and the cannon that once sat at Church Circle. Negatives are generally of the printed images, but there are a few others such as additional shots showing the removal of Broad Street’s median. The letter is from Mead Corporation to Mr. William Highsmith. Highsmith was living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and was looking for summer work which Mead no longer offered.
There are no restrictions on use of this collection for research purposes. The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.
This collection should be cited as:
William Highsmith Collection, 1934-1938 and undated. KC Manuscript Collection 176, Archives of the City of Kingsport, Tennessee.
William Highsmith donated this collection in 1991.
Jeff A. Jenson processed the collection and developed the finding aid in December 2006. Brianne Johnson revised the finding aid in May 2008.
Photograph Collections–Tennessee–Kingsport.
Kingsport (Tenn.)–Pictorial Works.
1. Letter and Envelope, 18 May 1934
2. Photographs and Negatives, 1936-1938 and undated