Title: Elizabeth Anne Brown Collection
Collection Number: Kingsport Community Manuscript Collection (KCMC) 603
Physical Description: 3 folders
Creator: Elizabeth Anne Brown
Repository: Archives of the City of Kingsport

Provenance: The collection was donated to the Archives of the City of Kingsport by Elizabeth Anne Brown Collection in May 2017.
Access/Restrictions: There are no restrictions on use of this collection for research purposes. The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.
Processed by: This collection was processed by Brianne Wright and opened for research in June 2017.

This collection should be cited as:
Elizabeth Anne Brown Collection, 1942-1964 and undated. KC Manuscript Collection 603 Archives of the City of Kingsport, Tennessee.

The collection contains several postcards of Kingsport landmarks, school photos, and a St. Paul’s Parish Day School Annual from 1958-1959. Also included is a 1942 Sullivan High School Yearbook.

1. Postcards (8), undated
Post Office, Mead Corporation, Broad Street, Dobyns-Bennett High School, Tennessee Eastman Corporation, First Baptist Church, Panoramic View of Kingsport, Rotherwood
2. School Photos, Jackson School and band photos, 1959-1964 and undated
3. St. Paul’s Parish Day School Annual and Kindergarten Photos, 1958-1959

*on book shelf- Sullivan High School Yearbook, 1958-1959