Palmer Room Photographic Collection,
1890-1977 and undated
KC Manuscript Collection 169

Archives of the City of Kingsport
400 Broad Street
Kingsport, Tennessee 37660

Title: Palmer Room Photographic Collection, 1890-1977 and undated

Collection Number: Kingsport Community Manuscript Collection (KCMC) 169

Physical Description: 3 Boxes & 1 oversize folder

Creator: Kingsport Public Library Palmer Room Staff

Repository: Archives of the City of Kingsport

Provenance: The Palmer Room Photographic Collection was transferred to the Archives of the City of Kingsport from the Kingsport Public Library Palmer Room. The date of the transfer is unknown.

Access/Restrictions: There are no restrictions on use of this collection for research purposes. The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

Processed by: Brianne Johnson processed the collection and developed the finding aid in March 2008.

This collection should be cited as:

Palmer Room Photographic Collection, 1890-1977 and undated. KC Manuscript Collection 169, Archives of the City of Kingsport, Tennessee.

The Palmer Room Photographic Collection contains photographs originally maintained by the Kingsport Public Library Palmer Room, the genealogical and history section of the library. The images were collected before the creation of the Archives of the City of Kingsport and the majority of the donors are unknown.

The photographs in the collection relate to Kingsport subjects: people, places, industries, and activities. The photographs are arranged in alphabetical order by subject or name. The collection has a date range of 1890-1977, with the bulk of material remaining undated.

Kingsport (Tenn.) Industries

Photographic images

Photographic postcards
1. Bands, 1924-1941
a. Dobyns-Bennett High School, 1940
b. Dobyns-Bennett High School, 1941
c. Dobyns-Bennett High School, 1941
d. Kingsport Concert Band, 1924
e. Kingsport Concert Band, 1932
f. Sullivan School, 1938
2. Bridges, undated
3. Buildings, c.1890 and undated
4. Buildings, City Hall, 1922, 1940 and undated
5. Buildings, Civic Auditorium, 1938 and undated
6. Buildings, Post Offices, 1965 and undated
7. Churches, c.1900-1977 and undated
a. Broad Street Methodist, undated (2 copies)
b. Broad Street Methodist, c. 1920
c. Church Circle, undated (2 copies)
d. Fairfield Church, 1977
e. First Baptist, undated
f. First Presbyterian, 1963
g. First Presbyterian, undated
h. First Presbyterian, undated
i. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, undated
j. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, undated
k. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, choir, 1918
l. Old Methodist, 1900
m. Unidentified, 1937
8. Downtown, c.1916-1977 and undated
9. East Tennessee, miscellaneous, 1920s and undated
10. Forts, 1942 and undated
11. Group Portraits, 1900-1962 and undated
a. Camp Hammond, 1926
b. First Christian Church, men’s Bible Class, 1921-22
c. First National Bank, board of directors, 1962
d. Hi-Y and Girl Reserve Conference, 1935
e. Kingsport High School, basketball team, 1917
f. Kingsport ladies, early 1930’s
g. Kingsport Rotarians, first anniversary, October 15, 1924 (3 copies)
h. Roller family, undated
i. Young people on picnic, 1900
12. Hospitals, undated
13. Hotels, undated
14. Houses, Catawba Street (aerials), 1940’s
15. Houses, Gibsontown, c.1940
16. Houses, Miscellaneous, 1920, 1940, 1977 and undated
17. Houses, Netherland Inn, 1967 and undated
18. Houses, Palmer (Colonel E. W.), undated
19. Houses, Rotherwood, 1977 and undated
20. Houses, Watauga Street- Mead House and J. Fred Johnson, 1965, 1975 and undated
21. Houses, West Sullivan, 1921
22. Houses, West Wanola, c.1916-1920 and undated
23. Houses, Westmoreland Home (Highway 11W), undated
24. Houses, White City, 1977 and undated
25. Industries, Brick, undated
26. Industries, Cement Plant, undated
27. Industries, Dye Plant, undated
28. Industries, Extract Plant, undated
29. Industries, Gas Plant, undated

1. Industries, Hosiery Mill, undated
2. Industries, Kingsport Press, undated
3. Industries, Mead, 1917 and undated
4. Industries, Kingsport Nursery, undated
5. Industries, Tennessee Eastman Company, 1965 and undated
6. Kingsport Power Company and water filter plant, 1967 and undated
7. Landmarks, 1942
8. Library, Carver Branch, 1951 and undated
9. Library, City Hall-interior, Pre-1960 (1 of 2)
10. Library, City Hall-interior, Pre-1960 (2 of 2)
11. Library Commission (Joe Worley, Ross N. Robinson, Howard Long, Kenneth Duchac, Karl Goerdel, and Mrs. H. J. Shivell), undated
12. Library, J. Fred Johnson Memorial Library, 1962 and undated
13. Library, people, undated
a. Crosley, Mrs. F. Stewart, undated
b. Dellius, Mrs. Robert, undated
c. Ford, Mrs. Harry, undated
d. Hincke, Mrs. William B., undated
e. McHorris, Mrs. W.C., undated
f. Palmer, E.W. and Allen Dryden Sr., undated
14. Library, people, undated
a. Peerson, Ethel, undated
b. Peerson, Ethel, undated
c. Peerson, Ethel, undated
d. Regan, A.T., Dorthoy Pike, Elise Abernathy and Maureen Hattaway, undated
e. Smith, Mrs. J. Harlan (Margaret), undated
f. Summers, Anne V., undated
g. Summers, Anne V. and Jack Vaughn, undated
h. Summers, Anne V., undated
i. Summers, Anne V. and William Todd, undated
j. Wright, Mary Eleanor, undated
15. Library, people-unidentified, undated
16. Mills, undated
17. Parades, 1928 and undated

1. People, 1882 and undated
a. Anderson, Mrs., undated
b. Anderson, S.H., undated
c. Bandy, Thomas, Jackson Raulsten, Tom Dodson, Sr., undated
d. Brinkley, Al, undated
e. Brockman, A.D., undated
f. Brown, Ben, undated
g. Browning, Gorden, undated
2. People, undated
a. Bruce, Glen, undated
b. Carter, George, undated
c. Cate, E.B., undated
d. Chapman, Albert, undated
e. Clement, Frank, undated
f. Cloud, Frank, undated
g. Dennis, John B., J. Fred Johnson, and Perley Wilcox, undated
h. Dennis, John B and J. Fred Johnson, undated
3. People, undated
a. Dixon, Ella, undated
b. Duchac, Kenneth, undated
c. Edwards, C.P., undated
d. Eilers, Louis, undated
e. Ellington, Buford, undated
f. Hale, Winfield, undated
g. Holyoke, W.L., undated
h. Hughes, J.A.I., undated
i. Jackson, Rachel Danielson, undated
j. Jennings, W.R., undated
k. Johnson, J. Fred, undated (2 copies)
l. King, James, undated
4. People, undated
a. King, Ward, undated
b. Lewis, Joe, undated
c. Niederauer, Ed, undated
d. Palmer, E.W., undated
e. Pecktal, Joe, undated
f. Reese, Carroll B., undated
g. Roller, William, undated
h. Smith, Walter, undated
i. Stone, J.C., undated
5. People, 1926 and undated
a. Tipton, Dr. E.W., undated
b. Vaughn, William “Bill”, undated
c. Wagner, Kinnie, 1926
d. Waterman, David, undated
e. Waterman, Lydia Childress, undated
f. Wilcox, Perley, undated
g. White, James C., undated
h. Yancey, Thomas Bragg, M.D., undated
6. Railroads, c.1908 and undated
7. Rivers, 1940 and undated
8. Schools, 1940, 1944 and undated
9. Stores, c.1920, 1950’s and undated
10. Tornado Damage, Cherry Hill, 1933
11. Unidentified, undated
12. Unidentified Portraits, undated

1. Dennis, John B., undated
2. Dennis, John B., undated
3. Dennis, John B., undated
4. Edwards, James, undated
5. Edwards, Val, undated
6. Edwards, Val, Charles Edwards, Jim Edwards, and L.L. Edwards, undated
7. Flatboat Adventure, 1976, undated (2 copies)
8. Mckeller, Kenneth, undated
9. Wilcox, Perley S., undated (2 copies)